
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Cranbrook Photo Artist Catalogue
& Christmas Show
On Wednesday, November 30th, between 3:00pm and 7:00pm 
I will be one of seven artists featured in Cranbrook Photo's 
first ever art catalogue. 
There will be wine and cheese to celebrate during the meet and greet with 
my fellow artists. Please join us at Cranbrook Photo, 800 Cranbrook Street,
Cranbrook, B.C.

Here is a link to the formal invite on Cranbrook Photo's
Facebook page.


Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Charcoal and Chuckles
I took out a sketch that I had started and then abandoned months ago.
I finished it this morning and thought I would share it here.
I love the expression on this little girls face. I found the photo (my reference)
on the internet and then reversed the image before I sketched it. So, 
if it seems familiar, that is why. I think I first saw it on Pinterest. 
Her apparent happiness and laugh make me feel happy as well. 


Thursday, 3 November 2016

Doodles During Downtime
During a break at work, I sketched a ladies eyes 
on a scrap piece of paper. It was good practice. 
I have used the sketch as a bookmark since 
then. I think it funny to have a pair of eyes staring 
at someone from the top of my book. ;)